Logotipo Casa Azahar
Casa Azahar - Alquiler de apartamentos em Alcossebre y venta

Book your next holidays

Properties for rent

The best deals on holiday rentals.

Properties for sale

Buy your house now, and start enjoying your holidays.

Our services

Discover our wide range of properties, get to know our offer on sale and rentals.

On this page you can see our offer and rental of apartments in Castellón, Alcossebre and Costa Azahar, book your accomodation and discover the richness of the surroundings that you can enjoy during your stay in this beautiful region of the Mediterranean coast.
Buy your house
At Casa Azahar you have the opportunity to buy your new home. Come and see the different properties we have available, and find your dream house.
Sell your house
In Casa Azahar we offer you the service of selling your house. Contact us and we will help you with it.
Rent your house
Come to Casa Azahar to enjoy your holidays, rent your summer residence and come to spend an unforgettable holiday.

Holiday rentals

Enjoy our holiday rental apartments

Real estate sales

Take the opportunity to buy your holiday residence

Our customers say

Verified reviews from Google

Sea and mountain come together to astonish you
Come and visit Alcossebre, and enjoy more than 10km of coastline

Enjoy Casa Azahar

Are you interested in our services?

If you have any questions about our services, do not hesitate to contact us. We will contact you as soon as possible to resolve any doubts you may have about our services.
Logo Generalitat Valenciana
Logo Turisme - Comunitat Valenciana
In 2024, Construcciones Alcocebre, S.A. received a grant from Turisme Comunitat Valenciana to carry out actions related to boosting tourism competitiveness.