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Home / Booking conditions

Booking conditions

Cancellation Policies

  • From the date of booking until 15 days before arrival: cancellation free of charge.
  • 14 days before arrival: the amount of the first night will be paid.
  • In case of no show: full amount of the stay.

Additional Notes

  • Check-in hours: daily from 16:00 to 18:00 in low season and from 17:00 to 20:00 in high season.
  • Check-out time: 10:00
  • Arrival out of hours: Arrange arrival with Casa Azahar. In this case the reservation must be paid in advance.
  • In low season, check-in and check-out times are flexible. Please contact Casa Azahar to arrange the times.
  • Deposit: A pre-authorisation of 250 € will be made at the time of check-in as a deposit for the flat. If there has been no damage during your stay, this will be released within 48h – 72h. *You must leave the kitchen area clean and the rubbish removed, otherwise there will be a penalty of 25 € on the deposit.
  • The rental price includes: bed linen with weekly change (towels, table linen or kitchen cloths not included), entrance and exit cleaning, water and electricity supplies. In case of booking the winter rate in the sun, the conditions vary, having to pay the electricity consumed and an extra €15 for cleaning, which is mandatory at least once a week. The cleaning includes the change of sheets and the cleaning of the apartment except the dirty dishes.
  • VAT included in the price of the accommodation.
  • The client accepts the rules of the community in which it is hosted.
  • Pets are not allowed.
  • When making the reservation, the client agrees with the general reservation conditions.

Reception and collection of keys

Reception and key collection point from May 15 to October 15: Reception at the offices of Casa Azahar las Fuentes, Avinguda de les Fonts, Edif. El Centro 11 A. Hours: from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

En períodos vacacionales o días festivos los horarios pueden verse afectados, consultar previamente con Casa Azahar para organizar su llegada.

How to get to the Las Fuentes reception (click on the title to enter google maps) When you get to the roundabout, take the second exit towards Las Fuentes, after 2.4 km along Carrete las Fuentes you will reach a second roundabout where you will have to take the second exit. After 400 m you will come to a third roundabout where you will find the offices of Casa Azahar Las Fuentes.

Icono Llaves

Key collection

Casa Azahar — Apartments in Alcossebre
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In 2024, Construcciones Alcocebre, S.A. received a grant from Turisme Comunitat Valenciana to carry out actions related to boosting tourism competitiveness.